

We are a network of Baltimore-area LGBTQ+ individuals with many circles. Browse our maps and lists of synagogues, clergy, studies, as well as a list of local and national groups and resources. For an additional list of our recent grantees, click here.

Synagogues & Resources

See our full list of Baltimore-area organizations and places that our advisory board and partners have LGBTQ+ contacts at. For direct referrals, please ask!

Baltimore Area:


Cultural Centers

Legal Orgs

National Orgs

Secular Orgs


JPride Supporters


Looking for available clergy who can perform LGBTQ lifecycle events? Here are some helpful resources. This list is edited routinely:

**JPride Baltimore's LGBTQ-friendly** Baltimore/DC Rabbis and Congregations List

Note: This list does not include orthodox shuls. For information on welcoming orthodox shuls, please visit the Eshel Welcoming Shuls Project.

(We also recommend browsing Keshet's Equality Directory--in case there's someone we haven't met yet!)

Have any clergy to add to our list? Please contact us with your suggestions.


JPride is planning a Needs Assessment in 2022. In the meantime, browse our Reports/Surveys database for focus groups and other studies regarding LGBTQ+ Jews